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Creating an endo-friendly morning routine has been integral in helping me manage my endometriosis pre and post-surgery. I’m a person that thrives on structure and likes to be in flow. So having set habits and rituals is essential for my mental health. And, while my routine isn’t set in stone and changes depending on my pain level. It’s still beneficial for me to stick to as much of my morning routine as my body will allow. Furthermore, it keeps me disciplined and improves my ability to focus while decreasing brain fog. Indeed, these simple lifestyle changes have positively impacted my endometriosis symptoms. 

Benefits of A Morning Routine

If you’re an endo warrior, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how tough mornings can be. Issues with waking up feeling like you’ve run a full marathon despite sleeping for 8 hours. This is most likely due to interrupted sleep caused by pain or nausea. Suffice it to say you’re not really feeling ready to seize the day. And this can quickly turn into a downward spiral of negativity. But, I’ve found that creating an intentional morning routine can help transition into the day.

However, it doesn’t have to be crazy, some simple rituals will suffice. The goal is to nurture yourself while improving your mood and mindset because dealing with endo symptoms regularly sucks. Yet, falling into a pit of negativity will only make you feel hopeless. And increase mental and emotional health issues. Trust me, I’ve been there. This is why implementing a simple morning routine can be so empowering. Thus, allowing you to better manage your endometriosis and accomplish more in your life.  


Building A Morning Routine

When creating a morning routine, the sky’s the limit. Ultimately you want to focus on rituals and habits that are most beneficial for you and your endo symptoms. Think about what little actions will impact your health and wellness most. What can you do at the start of your day to improve your mental health? How can you decrease your pain and better manage your symptoms? 


Morning Rituals & Habits

I’m going to share some ideas of practices that I find essential to include in my morning routine. Remember that what I include may not be best for you and your endo symptoms. We all have different pain levels and symptoms. So, these things need to be taken into consideration. But, I hope you can take inspiration from the examples I provide and think of ways you can start creating your endo-friendly morning routine. 


Fertility Tracking

Currently, I’m not using hormonal birth control. Instead, I track my fertility using the fertility awareness method. Specifically, the symptothermal method. Without going into great detail, it’s basically tracking and logging signs and symptoms from your body that lets you know when you’re fertile versus when you’re not. My symptoms include my cervical mucus, cervix position, vaginal sensation, and basal body temperature. So, the first thing I do when I wake up is take my temperature and record it. I prefer to use the Kindara app to track my symptoms and chart my fertility. 


Take Care of My Dog

Ok, so this may seem like a weird thing to include as part of my morning routine. But taking care of my dog is an integral part of my daily ritual because it’s something outside of myself that holds me accountable. Meaning there’s a living, breathing thing that’s relying on me.

As it relates to my depression and anxiety, an external motivator such as this is crucial for my mental health. Showing up for my dog, letting her out in the mornings, feeding her, and playing with her helped me establish a routine. Thus, it makes it much easier for me to continue that momentum and carry it over into my day. Not to mention she is my best friend and is always there when I need emotional support. So, the least I can do is ensure she’s happy and taken care of. 



I’m a fitness enthusiast, and working out is my hobby. It’s my form of meditation. Getting lost in the music and physically challenging myself is so mentally rewarding. Consequently, I dedicate at least 5 days of the week to exercise. On my rest days, I focus on recovery and stretching. I do find that I need to be flexible with my workouts. This is primarily due to my pain and energy levels. If I’m experiencing pain or low energy, I will switch to low-intensity exercises like yoga or barre. This helps to protect my energy and manage my pain. On the other hand, when I have the energy and no pain, I enjoy my regular moderate to high-intensity exercises. These workouts increase my energy, skyrocket my mood, and give me focus. 



I prioritize self-care. It’s one of my favorite wellness habits. Additionally, it’s grounding and helps me feel centered. For instance, I can be dealing with the worst depression or struggling with awful pain. But getting up, cleansing my skin, getting dressed, and making my bed helps me feel a little bit better. That’s why it’s a staple in my morning routine. Regardless if I’m experiencing pain or not. I will always try to perform my skincare routine, dental hygiene, and groom myself. Mind you, I work from home, and I often put on makeup and get dressed up for myself. That’s totally ok. This little act of self-love has helped keep me mentally sane. Plus, I get much more done when I feel and look my best. 


Nutrition & Wellness

Sitting down to an excellent yummy breakfast is so important. Not only does it fuel my body, but it’s such a lovely experience. Hence why, I focus on eating my food mindfully without rushing. I place emphasis on savoring every bite. It’s also during this time that I take my supplements. While supplements aren’t a cure by any means. They can help decrease nutrient deficiencies and fill in gaps that are lacking in my diet. Talking with your doctor and understanding your unique needs can help you identify what supplements could benefit you. 



Before I jump into the day, I like to set aside time for my faith and spirituality. This is the time that I spend reading the bible and praying. I also like to speak positive affirmations and set an intention for the day. Doing so helps me align my focus with my priorities and guides me through my day. Additionally, I  like to express my gratitude by focusing on 3-5 things I’m grateful for. They can be big, small, or inconsequential. But it helps me find peace and contentment. Even if I don’t feel the greatest or I’m experiencing pain, it’s good to know that this shall pass.


Additionally, I infuse a few little mindful habits into my morning routine. Such as reading a non-fiction book, listening to instrumental music, enjoying a podcast, watching the news, and reviewing my schedule. These little activities help stimulate brain function and improve focus. Furthermore, they really help me cultivate a growth mindset. I’d like to point out that I don’t do them all daily. I typically rotate these activities depending on my mood. But, they help this non-morning person acclimate to the day. 


Helpful Pointers & Tips

I hope this gives you a few ideas on how you can create your morning routine. What’s most important is to do what feels right for you. Your needs will be different from mine, and you’ll have to create a routine that works best for you.

Remember, there are no hard and fast rules here. Instead, aim to start off simple and progress as you go. And remain flexible. Acknowledge in advance that there may be times you need to tweak your routine due to pain, energy, or just life in general.

Now it’s your turn to share. Do you have a morning routine or ritual that you swear by? I’d love to know!